Upcoming Webinars

LOTS of good webinars coming up!

WED FEB 23, MARCH 16, APRIL 20, MAY 18   7 PM Building Biodiversity Series   Yard care techniques that foster a haven for native plants and animals. Green Newton.
WED MARCH 2   7 PMSenator Barrett – What’s Happening on the Hill Part I (see above)
THUR MARCH 3   12 PMHydrogen: Future of Clean Energy or a False Solutions?  Massachusetts Sierra Club
THUR MARCH 3   7 PM   The Why, How, and How Much of Insulation   Green Newton
THUR MARCH 3   7 PMCoping with Climate Distress   Energize Wayland
WED MARCH 9   7 PM Reps Roy and Peisch – What’s Happening on the Hill Part II (see above)
THUR MARCH 10   7 PM Renovating and Building a New Home, Experts Discuss

TUES APRIL 12 7 PM  Electric Vehicle Showcase Energize Wayland
THUR APRIL 14   7 PM Equitable and Sustainable Housing   Sustainable Wellesley 

The following webinars are brought to you by Green Energy Consumers Alliance
THUR FEB 24   10 AM   Electric Vehicles 101
FRI FEB 25   10 AM   Ask Energy Sage! Solar Q&A
THUR MARCH 10   4 PM   Electric Vehicle Chat: Fun Cars  
TUE MARCH 15   12 PM   Green Municipal Aggregations (Community Choice Energy) in Massachusetts 
WED MARCH 16   7:30 PM   Green Municipal Aggregations (Community Choice Energy) in Massachusetts
TUE MARCH 22   7:30 PM   New Heat Pumps Incentives
WED MARCH 23   12 PM   Is a Used EV Right for You?
TUE MARCH 29   12 PM   The Race to Decarbonization in MA.