Scientists Claim Carbon Capture Is Viable & Fossil Fuel Producers Should Pay The Costs

A new research study led by the University of Oxford suggests that climate change could be constrained by the implementation of policies that ensure fossil fuel producers pay for carbon capture or clean-up. The study, published in Environmental Research Letters, argues that carbon capture and storage is an affordable way of ‘stopping fossil fuels from causing further global warming.’ The study suggests that by implementing a policy called Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in combination with other climate solutions, we can protect our energy security while taking meaningful climate action. The study also suggests that one EPR-based policy is the Carbon Takeback Obligation (CTBO), a requirement that all fossil fuels extracted or imported into a region, nation or group of nations, be offset by storing, back underground, an amount of carbon dioxide equivalent to that generated by that fuel.

Summary by ChatGBT.