Let’s Keep the Cold ‘Out There’ This Winter

Book a Mass Save energy assessment now!

A Home Energy Assessment can be very revealing about heat loss and system efficiencies aimed at keeping you more comfortable this winter and beyond. There are also same day replacements (lightbulbs, shower heads, thermostats) which can help you begin saving energy and money right away.

Over time, homes settle, drafts develop, and insulation shifts. Attending to these basics can keep more heat in your home and make you more comfortable while using (and paying for!) less energy.

If you haven’t had an assessment since January 1, 2014, your monthly surcharge for ‘energy conservation’ on your utility bill entitles you to an updated report on your home’s energy performance AT NO COST TO YOU. It’s worth the 2-3 hours paying attention to heating system efficiency, air quality and drafts, and discovering ways to save energy that the Mass Save program supports.

I work as a Next Step Living scheduler for home energy assessments and would be happy to schedule an appointment for you and your home. Next Step Living is an approved Mass Save services provider, one of several companies providing services for Mass Save, the state wide non-profit repository of all those monthly surcharges earmarked for energy conservation. Their charter is to help customers save energy and you can’t save if you don’t know your baseline, hence, the ‘free’ energy audit. Mass Save also underwrites rebates for replacing old heating systems and appliances and offers 0% loans to help customers reap the benefits of saving energy sooner rather than later.

I’m happy to discuss energy conservation or schedule an appointment for an assessment. You may reach me at or 978-443-7809, talk or text.

— Marie Royea

Photo credit, jp-3.deviantart.com

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