Category: Saving Money

  • Webinar: Transform Your Lawn to Save Our Ecosystem

    Webinar: Transform Your Lawn to Save Our Ecosystem

    MARCH 21, 7 P.M.Transform Your Lawn to Save Our EcosystemTurf grass lawn covers more of the U.S. than any other irrigated crop. Lawns are resource-heavy, requiring mowing, irrigation, fertilizer, and pesticides to thrive. Learn why you should transition your lawn using beautiful and environmentally friendly plants. Incorporating native plants in lawns and gardens helps to…

  • Renewable You for 2024: Clean Energy Upgrades for Your New Year’s Resolutions

    Renewable You for 2024: Clean Energy Upgrades for Your New Year’s Resolutions

    As the confetti from New Year’s Eve celebrations settles, it is only fitting that we prepare our 2024 New Year’s Resolutions. Our resolutions are often about a change we wish to see in ourselves, but what about making them around the change we wish to see in our homes and our world? Here’s how making…