sustainable sudbury news and events

We are a volunteer led non-profit based in Sudbury, Massachusetts dedicated to raising environmental awareness and sponsoring sustainable, earth-friendly activities in our community and beyond.

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9.19.24 - Massachusetts towns and cities embrace voluntary green building codes

Below is a link to an explanatory article about the state's Specialized Stretch Building Code. Most of our surrounding towns have already adopted or plan to adopt it and Sudbury's Energy and Sustainability Committee plans to present it as a warrant article at the next town meeting. The ESC heard a presentation about it from a DOER rep at their meeting last week


From here are the key points of the article: See full post.

9.2.24 - Beyond Plastics is hosting a free advocacy training

Beyond Plastics is hosting a free advocacy training between September 7–12  if anyone is interested in learning more about fighting plastic pollution! Details are below: The training is completely free of charge, held virtually via Zoom, and requires just four hours, broken up into two, 2-hour sessions held on evenings and weekends.  See full post.

6.19.24 - We Need Your Voice

The Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness grant program (MVP) provides support for cities and towns in Massachusetts to build resilience to climate change. Sudbury’s citizen MVP team is asking for your help:  See full post.

6.6.24 - 6/8 Concert at First Parish Sudbury: Year to Save the Earth with Jim Scott & His Band

Saturday June 8, 2024 7:30 pm Sustainable Sudbury will have an info table there, along with the Sudbury Garden Club and 350 Mass Metrowest.  See full post.

5.28.24 - 5/30 Your presence needed! Public meeting on Proposed Private Jet Expansion

Dear Friend, We want to let you know about this event in Bedford and hope that you can help us generate a large in-person presence.  See full post.

5.24.24 - Framingham Repair Cafe – Sunday, June 9th – 2pm to 5pm

Have you got something that needs fixing or mending? Bring it to the Repair Café…
Sunday, June 9th, 2pm to 5pm
Scott Hall at 24 Vernon St; Framingham. See full post.

5.23.24 - Rain Barrels for Sale

The Town of Sudbury is offering discounted rain barrels for sale through the Great American Rain Barrel program.

Record Flooding & Drought – How Rain Barrels Can Help  See full post.

5.14.24 - 8th Graders’ Petition to Sudbury Public Schools – Compost the Food Scraps

Here is a petition from 8th Graders wanting the SPS to compost food scraps in all the SPS kitchens and cafeterias.  Sustainable Sudbury supports this. Please sign it and share it with others.  See full post.

Full archive of current and past posts lives here.