Support new water stations in Sudbury

Get ready to stay hydrated in the coming warm weather and support Hydrate Sudbury! Sustainable Sudbury, the Town of Sudbury and the LSRHS Environmental Club are working on getting new water filling station infrastructure where we need it around town.

As you probably already know, Sudbury recently adopted bylaws that prohibit sales of single serve water in plastic bottles as a plastics reduction measure. Since then, the desire for water bottle filling stations has only grown. Our goal is to make sure we provide drinking water in many public locations where residents play sports, hang out with their children and friends and generally recreate. This project will install six stations, each of which will include a bottle filler and a drinking spout.

Fountains will be installed at Atkinson Pool, LSRHS, Haskell, Featherland, Feeley and Cutting fields. Funds raised will pay for the fountains and the Town of Sudbury will maintain the fountains. It is anticipated that the filling station at Haskell will have some signage recognizing the major donors. Appropriate signage at this high profile location will educate young and old on the importance of reducing waste and the preserving the quality of our local water resources.

Total estimated costs for install and equipment is about $52,000 (including signage). The Town has allocated $12,000 in the budget and Sustainable Sudbury has applied for Sudbury Foundation grant. However, the grant would not cover the entire shortfall and the Sudbury Foundation would like to see support by other user groups and Town residents in the form of contributions and fundraising.

Our goal is August installation in time for Fall sports. The more fountains we can install at the same time, the more money can be saved for additional fountains. The town will oversee the installations using appropriate vendors. They will coordinate activities with other parties, as appropriate.

Donations & Questions:

You can donate with a check payable to “Sudbury Earth Decade Committee” or “Sudbury EDC,” including “Hydrate Sudbury” in the memo line. Mail checks to Sustainable Sudbury P.O. Box 3, Sudbury, MA 01776.

Or, you can donate using Paypal and include “Hydrate Sudbury” in a note. Email us at: .